Touches of Plain Bob Triples.

Home | 56 changes | 84 changes | 112 changes | 140 changes | 154 changes | 168 changes
196 changes | 210 changes | 224 changes | 238 changes | 252 changes | 266 changes
280 changes | 294 changes | 308 changes


This collection is a complete list of the true touches of Plain Bob Triples up to 168 changes in length and selected touches up to 308 changes, with an indication of the musical content of each touch. The touches are listed in notation using P for a plain lead, B for a bob lead and S for a single. The touches are in groups of each length, being arranged in order with plain leads first, then bobs and then singles. The musical qualities were assessed for each touch by counting the rows ending in 46, 74 and 67, these three numbers following each touch. Touches containing Queens (1357246), Tittums (1526374) or Whittingtons (1275346) are indicated by Q, T or W respectively. For example the bob course of 56 changes BBBB contains three rows ending in 46, none ending in 74 and three ending in 67 (counting rounds once), giving the music code '3 0 3'.